Pragmatopience A post-modern philosophy
Pragmatism is a post-postmodern philosophy. It is derived from the words: pragmatism, utopianism and wisdom.
I would like to explain how these words: pragmatism, utopianism and wisdom (wisdom) change the course of philosophy as pragmatics.
Pragmatism refers to the philosophy of translating theory into an application or process. How can new content be created by examining philosophical etymology? One way to do this is through a process of materialistic humanism. In today's world, where cultures and economies are globalizing, there is a wider range of collaboration and participation. Cooperation must include technology transfer and cultural participation. Cultures become a practice of mixing and sharing and thus a consensus on global catharsis. Technology should have a human face. Yes, social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram help the network of people from all over the world. This also applies to Amazon, which reaches parallel economies and markets and helps artisans and small merchants sell their works. Social media news is going viral and markets are merging with technology adoption. Webinars and infotainment are very popular. Materialism has economic gains and humanism has a human face.
The next ingredient in pragmatics is that utopia becomes pragmatic. It is an ideal that is perfected into reality. This can be done through a process of democratic solidarity dialogue. Dialog is the philosophy of dialogue, which is cultivated by Michael Bakhtin. Today the balance changes from one nation to that of internationalism. Dialogue and negotiation is carried out to solve the recurring economic and political problems that arise in geopolitics. Workers, unions, minorities and interest groups protest with the majority and compete for their presence using the dialogical tool as a narrative of the struggle.
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