Gym Membership Software Helps You Retain Members by Identifying and Tracking Procrastinators
Delay is the hidden animal that thwarts the best plans and intentions in all aspects of life. We are well into the new year and no doubt the delay will keep many of your members away from your gym and from keeping their New Year's resolutions. While most attribute the delay to laziness, blogger David McRaney combines the delay with the inability to resist impulses (presumably negative) and to think about a decision or process. This theory can be applied directly to your gym. With your gym membership software, you can effectively prevent members from falling into negative impulses and staying on track to achieve your fitness goals. Find a way to energize and engage members Procrastinators are not necessarily lazy. Procrastination is merely the inability to resist the impulses that prevent the fulfillment of a particular obligation or purpose. As a gym owner or manager, you need to know how to prevent people from shifting their daily workouts and getting them to your facility. Mo...